During the multiples health service opportunities COAMED has been impact with a support on different aspect into the health underserve communities. We believe that our committed to Serve and change lives are present is intact and very genuine. We had been experimented magic moments on multiple opportunities during all our...
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Impoverished communities long for assistance brought to them by medical missions. This missions, on the other hand, plan this visits based on the financial aid they are able to collect through fundraising events, donor pages and charity. Today, many lives can be saved because the advances in medicine have found...
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Over the course of 5 years COAMED has provided life-changing services to thousands of children, adults, and seniors from the impoverished Islands of San Andres and Providencia, a remote Colombian territory, in the Caribbean. The volunteer work of our medical and dental specialists has changed the landscape of healthcare in...
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Aceite de oliva: Su ácido oleico se inserta en la membrana celular y regula las señales que controlan la presión arterial y la multiplicación celular. Tiene efecto antitumoral y anti-hipertensor (estudio por CSIC y UIB) Agua: No es un alimento pero no podemos vivir sin ella. Mantiene vivas nuestras células,...
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Si te caes y te pelas la rodilla, irías inmediatamente a limpiarte la herida, a ponerte algún antiséptico y a lo mejor cubrirla con una curita? Lo más probable es que si. Si te lastimas el brazo mientras practicas tu deporte favorito, te pondrías hielo y tomarías un desinflamatorio? Lo...
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